Brief 991 ist Brief 990 in Englisch

The Eternal speaks

And am I the voice of the universe

On Sunday, February 4th, 2024, at 11:52 a.m. I wrote to Spiegel-Online:


Fight against cancer 
How Biontech wants to make medical history for the second time 
The Mainz company Biontech has earned billions of euros with the Covid vaccine. Now its founders Uğur Şahin and Özlem Türeci are using this money to work on their true life’s work: finally defeating cancer. Can the couple succeed?

My answer is:


Absolutely not 

On Sunday, February 4th, 2024, at 1:18 p.m. I wrote to Spiegel-Online:

And further I tell to all you

This is not a life’s work, but rather an EGO work.

And the ego is responsible for cancer. And no one beats cancer unless they beat their ego!

So cancer is not the work of life, but the work of death. And whoever fights against death is spiritually dead!

Cancer does not arise from the spirit of life, but from the evil spirit of mortals! Insight and humility defeat cancer, not vanity and megalomania!

I testify

Ugur Sahin and Özlim Türeci did not defeat Corona. They will both get cancer and die! War is not defeated with weapons either!


The real despots are not where SPIEGEL suspects, but where HE doesn’t look, doesn’t dare look, because HE is stupid and cowardly!!

You are so cheap!

On Sunday, February 4th, 2024, at 4:51 p.m. I wrote to Spiegel-Online:

I’m telling to all you

The CENTER of society is the LIE 


The LIE defines and guarantees the apocalypse 

This is because lies do not exist in the universe!

And the Universe doesn’t fight! Who should It also fight?


Only the lie fights.


Whoever fights is always in LIE, in the wrong and in decline!

Verily, verily, verily

In SPIEGEL, attention only sees one/its mask 


Attention is the mask of the despot, 
the facade of despotism 

Attention does not equal following. Attention is irresponsible, standing still activity. She takes without ever giving or even moving! Attention is contentless, dead time. She wants to attract attention without reflecting. She accepts herself without recognizing herself or even getting closer to herself. Every mask, every facade defines attention and yet draws attention to itself with its stench! YES, nothing fears attention more than being seen through and exposed. And this fear has their full, pathetic attention! But she can neither escape nor escape from the responsibility!

Attention is a despots' game of hide-and-seek 
The worst despotism is Semitism 

A despot sees and hears no more than himself and his echo!

This is so cheap!

The magazine "DER SPIEGEL" is a facade of despotism, which despotism is only fighting for its own survival. And this despotism is ready to destroy everything that does not belong to him! And this because he believes that everything belongs to him! This is CANCER. You can’t get sicker!

So what is the magazine “DER SPIEGEL” worth?

I’ll tell to all you something

Those who wage war fear peace

Biden and Scholz are like Hitler and Mussolini 

And the Western media is their media

You have every reason to fear peace!

And all the editorial staff at “DER SPIEGEL” too. They will be held responsible

You will experience it!

And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive