Brief 931 ist Brief 930 in Englisch

The Eternal speaks

On Friday, October 6th, 2023, at 6:07 p.m. I wrote: 
I ask all you 
What is the West's understanding of women worth? 
I'm telling all you: NOTHING
How much does that Western woman know what a woman actually is, what rigth is, what freedom is, what peace is? 
What you already know? 
Well, I would like to enlighten all you: 
You all know NOTHING! Nothing about being a woman, nothing about right, nothing about freedom and nothing about peace! 
You all don't really know anything. That's why all you don't know that whoever fights is always in the wrong! 
Because whoever fights fights life, fights freedom and fights peace! 
Do you all think the sun is fighting? Do you all really believe that? 
Well then

Then keep fighting and remain stupid losers

My word is written in the dust - And is valid forever

Gerhard olinczuk treustedt

On Saturday, October 7th, 2023, at 12:05 p.m. I wrote: 

I also ask that you inform the Nobel Peace Prize Committee that I recognize and define all of their members as corrupt bastards of evil. I know that they not only feed the conflicts in the world, but actually fuel, deepen, intensify and expand all harm and suffering. In the latest case, they hate and incite against the Iranian system, so they are playing God! 

YES, it would be better for them if they were not born

Only those who do not accept the price are righteous! These, i.e. each individual, have done more for peace than all of the award winners combined! 

Anyone who fights is not at peace with themselves. So which peace does he want to open or serve? 

He/She only serves the stupidity and perversion of those who presume to distinguish themselves! 


Gerhard olinczuk treustedt

On Sunday, October 8th, 2023, at 9:26 a.m. I wrote: 
I am announcing a message about the conflict in Israel! 

Netanyahu has to take a step back. He knows nothing of value to define or manifest! Revenge is weakness

This also applies to Zelensky and thousands of others and those without distinction! 

The Israeli ambassador in Berlin is a demagogue. He's never thought before! (ARD-Tagesschau from October 7th, 2023. 8:00 p.m.) 

Gerhard olinczuk treustedt

Sunday, October 8th, 2023, at 1:18 p.m. I wrote: 

He who is at peace with himself never wages war

Anyone who is not at peace with themselves is at war with themselves. Whoever is at war with himself is equal to everyone who is also at war with himself. He will fraternize with them or wage war against them. So their wars are called indiscriminate, even if their reasons differ. But all their wars will never bring peace! 
Anyone who distinguishes war between just and unjust is a hopeless and rabid demagogue. When Israel calls Hamas a terrorist, Israel is the real terrorist. 
Listen and look 
I put the Hamas attack against Israel on the same level as the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The triggering factor is the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize 2023, this mission aims to sanctify the Western Alliance and consequently demonizes all dissent. The West incites and denounces everything that contradicts its absolutism to this day. This is not only reflected in the terror of the colonial era, but is also confirmed in modern times in the fight against communism and socialism. The war in Ukraine is also due to this imperial logic of the Western Coin-Allianz. The terror against Salvador Allende 50 years ago, most recently against Saddam Hussein and against Bashar al-Assad, to name just a few, as well as the interventions in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria prove this irrefutably. The list of all the murderous massacres of this rabid league is truly long and probably fills many a library. YES, the Western Alliance, as a dazzling composition of the Judeo-Christian Occident, this deeply spiritual ruin I truly call the greatest terrorist organization of all time, and which today is undeniably losing itself in an apocalyptic rampage!
After the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, I wrote several letters to the then US President George W. Bush, advising him and calling on him to exercise restraint instead of manifesting revenge, noise and cockiness. But he presented himself to the alarmed world in a uniform and vomited a bloody trail of terror into the Islamic world. His Jewish-formulated Last Testament still defines today the horrendous sense of absolutist stupidity, anarchic apartheid and the old biblical despotism global devastation! 

So and therefore 

I demand more than just restraint from Benjamin Netanyahu and his thoughtless vassals, namely actually pausing and standing still, instead of blindly raging towards the ashes. I am ready to travel to Israel to open the bottleneck of deescalation and pave the way to true peace. 

However, all of you rage leads to the abyss! 

That's all 

And my word is written in the dust and is valid
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt 