Brief 923 ist Brief 922 in Englisch

The Eternal speaks 

Verily, verily I bear witness to mankind 

Don't you find happiness on earth, 
there where you stand - 
don't you find it in the universe, 
wherever you go!

I say to the global collective of all peoples and nations 

The creation of all life is complete! Completion dwells and grazes before time! This is decreed and founded in a timeless, all-bearing, unifying, penetrating and encompassing spirit, whose light, knowledge and wisdom, penetrates all life, as the womb of content, determines, carries, orders and encompasses. Yes, this nameless spirit, as the loving sourceand center of BEING, He/She/It owns, protects and shields the earth as its very own, absolute crowning glory and holy pearl of the universe. But sinister, human vermin in religion, ideology and politics, YES, a madness of degeneration, 
confusion, decadence and ruin, this monstrous and deadly madness has set up a global self-world hell ghetto on the holy earth, i.e. a ideological labor and concentration camp, and conjures up an apocalyptic inferno, an unimaginable Armageddon! 

I'm telling all you 

The Tower of Babel means Semitism means globalization 

That NATO maneuver in Germany, from June 12th to 23rd, 2023, this vermin maneuver is truly and undeniably the absolutely autocratic, totalitarian and dictatorially-rabid testimony of the great power mania of that Western alliance, which is striving for global hegemony of capital. And their Triviality and barbarism inimitably noisy and stinks up to the boundless sky. Responsible and guilty for this vermin maneuver is mainly that Semitism, that is, that biblical blasphemy: “Grow and multiply and subdue the earth”!

Truly, truly, truly 

Horizon is always the horizon of the smaller! 

A true master teaches masters, not disciples! 
I will stillbe, when the world is no more! 
Only the spirit of cure towards Completion is holy and valuable! 
All cure and all wealth is inside, never outside! Exterior is just a touch! 
Only the true master knows how to touch in a healing way! 
Completion is beyond all that is human, meaning without a self! 
Selflove is love to having, not being love! 
The answer is before the question, as well as before any word or name; thus rather than God! 
Man is not a measure! Not - never - never! Not yesterday - not today - not tomorrow! 
I am not human. I am selfless! I have no beginning and no end! 
I am in the light lap of the eternal and nameless! 
I am it! 

Verily, verily, verily I tell you 

Anyone who will to be there, where I am, he/she must first reach Jesus and then walk through him! 

Anyone who wants to reach Jesus must renounce Christ! 
If you want to go through Jesus, you have to get to him first! 
And whoever goes through Jesus, he/she will then arrive with me! 
And stays!

I not only testify to the Churchday in Nuremberg 

Anyone who puts faith, love and hope in Christ and the Church puts their responsibility in Satan's hands!

I'm telling you

There are bugs and there are vermin. In the timeless creation there are numerous beetles, i.e. in that kingdom of the named animals. Vermin, however, can only be found in the contemporary human Selfworld, i.e. in the intelligence and loyalty of the Pharisees and scribes, whose allways obedient and succumbed to religion, politics, ideology, capital and the economy. YES, vermin is the name of that mafia syndicate of the exalted and crowned; that alliance of the mutated and degenerate, the vampires and zombies, the perverted and the deviant, the parasites, the freeloaders and exploiters; so the economy of the sycophants and the foam beater, the impostors and the quacks, the jugglers and the charlatans, the show-offs and the busybodies, the barkers and the cardsharps, the gossips and the good-fornothing. YES, vermin means that intelligence of stupidity, which always defined in and with the logic of ignorance, and is orientates solely on all the hopeless information of immaturity. All intelligence is artificial, not natural; she is dirty, not clean; dark, not light; bad, not good; existential, not alive. Intelligence is always the question, not the answer. Intelligence is always stupid, never wise; is always mortal, never timeless! YES, many dogs are called intelligent because they are well trained and obedient!

Wisdom lives beyond intellect, intelligence and reason and is never accessible to them!

Politics is the ideology of capital
Capital is the ideology of hegemony 
Hegemony is the ideology of vermin

I warn you about Olaf Scholz and his vermin traffic light. I warn all you against Steinmeier and von der Leyen, against Biden, Macron and the likes of them in Europe, against Selenskyj and all the warmongers, all the gun freaks and idiots, against the media clowns, the flatulent jugglers and all other junk! They are not turned to the spirit of life, but to the madness of existence; they are not willing to BE, but only willing to Have; they do not walk upright, but crouch and wallow in lies and deceit! They know nothing of life, but are devoted to death! They are self-world vermin, servants of 
the manhole filth and the gutter shit! They puke and shit on everything! 

And I'll tell to that vermin 

You all are not the answer and you never will be! Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow. You are truly and jointly responsible for the global calamity, and conjure up the most devastating Armageddon imaginable! 

And I'll tell to that vermin again 

You all are not the answer and you never will be! Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow. You are truly and jointly responsible for the global calamity, and conjure up the most devastating Armageddon imaginable! 

Woe to you 

When the cherry blossom opens quietly; 
Then I recognize about the sweet red in the white. 
Yet if intelligence opens me its ways; 
Then Only ugly brown shit shows up 

in, with and through 
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt 

I tell to the global collective of all peoples and nations 

I break away from all you now and take myself back. I detach myself from all you and everything for the sake of completion!

So I tell to the global collective of all peoples and nations 


The completion never fails 

I am the answer to all of humanity's essential questions 


I am the answer 

Truly, truly, truly 

Long live the earth 
she belongs only to the boundless sky 


I am. And my word is holy and valid

I Am

The Risen, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate 
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ and Anti-capitalist, so Anti-fascist
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt 
Gallin, 06/10/2023