Brief 901 ist Brief 900 in Englisch

The Eternal speaks 

On Friday, March 3th, 2023 at 16:22 p.m. I wrote: 

In his logic, the psychopath only allows what fits in here and does not contradict. However, what does not please his sick logic is ignored, discarded or falsified! The rampage runs on this rail. And this certainly does not result in a turning point in time, but everything turns against time in order to end it! So that means self-destruction! 

Say hello to Joe Biden, Olaf Scholz and Volodymyr Zelenskyj from me! They have long since failed! Withdrawal from Bachmut, as well as a subsequent armistice and Zelenskyy's regression, they are a serious chance to bring the conflict to a salutary end. Otherwise the evacuation of Zaporizhia should begin! 

On Saturday, March 4th, 2023 at 1:20 p.m. I wrote: 

To Joe Biden (Noah), Volodymyr Zelenskyj (Sem) and Olaf Scholz (Jafet)

When Joe Biden became President of the USA in January 2021, he certainly knew for a long time and more than others which mafia determines and steers the history and fortunes of America. And when he was now sworn into their Bible, he alreadyhad been politically involved for decades as a willing henchman in this multi-thousand-year conspiracy, YES, completely infected by it, thus helplessly and hopelessly at the mercy of it and maliciously loyal. 

When armed henchmen put a pistol to his forehead in February 2014 and even threatened to storm the government building, Victor Yanukovych did not follow the logic of the psychopath Olaf Scholz, but gave up his title and office and left the country. The reasons for his withdrawal may be varied, but a bloody conflict was certainly avoided in this way. It didn't flow blood, neither his nor that of others. Why Yanukovych left Ukraine, what actually induced him to do so, can only be clarified in a candid conversation with him. In any case, his decision was right!

By no means did Victor Yanukovych humbled himself to the attackers, rather he correctly assessed the situation and pulled the ripcord. Not only did he protect and preserve his own life, but also the lives of others. Life was more important to him than his office. He didn't want to smash through a gun wall with a vain-stupid head, he just stepped back. Even if those Western minionsheld a gun to Yanukovych forehead, and the West undoubtedly had 
his finger on the trigger here, had the incumbent President of Ukrainen onetheless no gun in his head! It is not only important to understand this, but to raise it above western weapon logic! But Yanukovych's decision may seem cowardly to one, understandable or reasonable to another; Few will recognize in this a certain sovereignty, a character trait, a self-respect, a credibility and a greatness! Well then, whatever prompted Victor Yanukovych to let go of appearances and credits, whatever impulse, whatever instinct, whatever insight struck him, this inner impulse gave him the answer and opened him on the right path. And so he avoided a war, i.e. a civil war and a hopeless bloodshed! 

But that aggression in February 2014 on the Maidan, YES, this armed, violent and illegal crusade by the West against Russia, this arbitrariness is solely due to the rejection of that association agreement with the EU, this aimed revolver of Western imperialist insatiability, this perverse madness of a biblical conspiracy, it has unequivocally, officially, proven, infallibly, guaranteed, truthfully and irrefutably ignited that military conflict with Russia, and not the invasion of the Russian army into Ukraine in February 2022. It is therefore not a question of a Russian-Ukrainian conflict, but of an armed conflict by the Western Alliance against Russia, because Joe Biden's attack on Victor Yanukovych was an attack on Vladimir Putin, like George W. Bush's attack on Saddam Hussein in March 2003. In this strategy of western imperial madness, which is repeated over and over again, the Ukraine actually appears as a "Trojan Horse" or as a "Golden Bull", in and with which everything that is absolutely evil is reflected. 

And you, Olaf, as well as your murderous accomplices, you all now hear from me, that this logic that you formulate and follow is not only wrong, but completely absurd. It is also not about your logic, i.e. not about something that you personally thought up and produced, therefore not about your own, but actually about a consequential theory thought up by someone else and implanted in you, thus about a logic that owns you, dominates you, Enslaves you and controls you, i.e. a foreign determination. YES, you are actually carrying someone else's head, who is sitting on your shoulder and whispering in your ear! So you don't really exist, you only appear as an unconscious function, as a function of whoever has you, i.e. owns you and abuses you for his own purposes. And it really doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all how you understand yourself, respectively how you think you understand yourself, or how you name, title or decorate yourself; You are and remain the possession of someone else, something previously unknown to you, and are therefore only a semblance of what you think you are. But you are not being

So Olaf 

Do you know the word Wisdom, Olaf? Have you ever heard of this word? Do you have any idea what a so-called Wise is, i.e. a Knower and Seer, what these names mean in terms of content? I really didn't invent those words and names, Olaf. Can you, in your limitedness, which is ruled by your immaturity, even approximately comprehend that it is necessary to be even greater than the wise one in order to then be able to contain and define it? Do you think you are more than wise, Olaf? Do you really believe that? 

No, Olaf, you are not greater than wisdom, and you are therefore not even remotely able to guess the nature of the wise. And yet you appear in public as if you meet this requirement. Kranker und dämlicher geht Mensch nicht

So listen and see, you clown and jester 

If someone withdraws, i.e. says goodbye to something, lets it go and turns away, thus leaving a table or a playing field, or jumps off a moving train, or turns their back on the field of rabies, this certainly does not mean that He or She submits to anyone, rather first of all only that he no longer holds on to what has happened up to now, i.e. no longer takes part in the game, no longer participates, and thus withdraws from what is happening! (He or she denies that closed conspiracy of "each bear the other's burden") But he or she can never know in advance what will happen after that decision and its consequences, neither with himself nor with all the previous players. Please take note of this! He or She doesn't know the least about the effect, i.e. about the consequences and resonances of letting go, ending and saying goodbye! This opens and reveals itself only hereafter! Previously unknown forces are arriving! 


Anyone who consistently and undeterredly stops on their path so far because they don't want to go any further, hedoesn't know, absolutely not, what will happen immediately or later after his standstill, or what's in store for them. The only thing he knows is that he doesn't want to go any further on the path he's trodden before and won't go any further. YES, this is the only thing he knows, and this is enough for the time being, because in his decision and its 
consequence, a relief, an awakening, a recognition, a liberation, a redemption, an unleashing, a rebirth is revealed first! In that NO to the previous path, in this he then finds the YES to everything strange, unknown and coming, the path of which is now opening up to him, and whose consequences, challenges and tests, he will face in order, for recognize and all in a different light to understand and to interpret, to affirm or deny, to turn towards or to turn away, and always keep moving forward on the path! Er stellt sich seiner Unwissenheit und deren Suche nach Antworten. Ihm ist ein inneres Heilen eröffnet, dessen bereits zuvor anwesender Geist ihm bisher verborgen und nicht erreichbar war. He faces his ignorance and its search for answers. An inner healing is opened up to him, whose previously present spirit was hidden and not accessible to him. Curious and watchful, he knows he has been found in someone else's gaze. He has crossed a horizon

However, anyone who, like you, believes they know all future events, i.e. all eventualities, in advance, and wallows and wallows in horror scenarios, he is and remains not only tied up in their madness and controlled by it; rather also shapes it as a result the future according to his ideas means that he unconsciously brings about what he actually wanted to prevent or what his logic previously ruled out. Step by step, he achieves exactly what was and is logically impossible for him. He conjures up with weapons exactly what he actually intended to avert with them, and accordingly fails and ultimately miserably! Such logic is called rampage!

My appeal to you not to deliver tanks and other weapons to Ukraine, this appeal gave you the chance, to leave your sick path of logic, i.e. to turn around and find and tread another path! It was the call to you to encounter another Understanding and say goodbye to your your self-destructive delusionsdelusions! 

Verily, verily, verily I testify to the global collective of all peoples and nations

All politics have failed, globally and without exception 
All religion has failed, globally and without exception 

The Alliance GRAL is the sacred cradle of enlightenment, light, truth, all-unity, global recovery, certainty, liberation, peace, justice and thoroughness. 

And I greet all friends and Girlfriends of enlightenment, light, truth, life, salvation and joy. YES, I am a lover, a knower, a seer and an embracing one. 

And I testify all of you 

I AM. And now I rest quiet bedded in the dust, here my word written stands for eternity. 

And my word stands 

I Am
The Risen, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate 
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ and Anti-capitalist, so Anti-fascist
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt 
Gallin, March 04, 2023